
Source code for quaterion.dataset.similarity_samples

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Union

[docs]@dataclass class SimilarityPairSample: """Represents a pair of objects, their similarity and relationship with other pairs. Examples:: data = [ # First query group (subgroup) SimilarityPairSample( obj_a="cheesecake", obj_b="muffins", score=0.9, subgroup=10 ), SimilarityPairSample( obj_a="cheesecake", obj_b="macaroons", score=0.8, subgroup=10 ), SimilarityPairSample( obj_a="cheesecake", obj_b="candies", score=0.7, subgroup=10 ), # Second query group (subgroup) SimilarityPairSample( obj_a="lemon", obj_b="lime", score=0.9, subgroup=11 ), SimilarityPairSample( obj_a="lemon", obj_b="orange", score=0.7, subgroup=11 ), ] """ obj_a: Any obj_b: Any score: float = 1.0 """Similarity score between Object A and B. It is assumed, that `score = 1.0` - means objects are similar, `score = 0.0` objects are completely different. """ subgroup: int = 0 """Consider all examples outside this group as negative samples. By default, all samples belong to group 0 - therefore other samples could not be used as negative examples."""
[docs]@dataclass class SimilarityGroupSample: """Represent groups of similar objects all of which should match with one-another within the group. Examples:: Faces dataset. All pictures of a single person should have single unique group id. In this case NN will learn to match all pictures within the group closer to each-other, but pictures from different groups - further. file_name group_id 0 elon_musk_1.jpg 555 1 elon_musk_2.jpg 555 2 elon_musk_3.jpg 555 3 leonard_nimoy_1.jpg 209 4 leonard_nimoy_2.jpg 209 """ obj: Any group: int
SimilaritySample = Union[SimilarityGroupSample, SimilarityPairSample]


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