
Source code for quaterion.loss.extras.pytorch_metric_learning_wrapper

from typing import Optional

from quaterion.loss.group_loss import GroupLoss

    from pytorch_metric_learning.losses import BaseMetricLossFunction
    from pytorch_metric_learning.miners import BaseMiner
except ImportError:
    import sys

    print("You need to install pytorch_metric_learning for this wrapper.")

[docs]class PytorchMetricLearningWrapper(GroupLoss): """Provide a simple wrapper to be able to use losses and miners from `pytorch-metric-learning`. You need to create loss (and optionally miner) instances yourself, and pass those instances to the constructor of this wrapper. Note: This is an experimental feature that may be subject to change, deprecation or removal. Note: See below for a quick usage example of this wrapper, but refer to the documentation of `pytorch-metric-learning` to learn more about individual `losses <>`__ and `miners <>`__. Args: loss: An instance of a loss object subclassing `pytorch_metric_learning.losses.BaseMetricLossFunction <>`__. miner: An instance of a miner object subclassing `pytorch_metric_learning.miners.BaseMetric <>`__. Example:: class MyTrainableModel(quaterion.TrainableModel): ... def configure_loss(self): loss = pytorch_metric_learning.losses.TripletMarginLoss() miner = pytorch_metric_learning.miner.MultiSimilarityMiner() return quaterion.loss.PytorchMetricLearningWrapper(loss, miner) """ def __init__(self, loss: BaseMetricLossFunction, miner: Optional[BaseMiner] = None): super().__init__() self._loss = loss self._miner = miner
[docs] def forward(self, embeddings, groups): mined_indices = None if self._miner is not None: mined_indices = self._miner(embeddings, groups) return self._loss(embeddings, groups, mined_indices)


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